KNOW GOD Through Weekly Worship Gatherings
We are a church that loves to worship together. In our worship gatherings we celebrate the glory of God and the sufficiency of Scripture through Christ-centered worship. We gather for worship each Sunday and periodically for special events throughout the year. Attending one of our worship gatherings is a great way to check out the church for the first time and is your first step.
GROW TOGETHER in Community Groups
Growing together in Community Groups is the next step. We believe that spiritual growth is important. For that reason, we challenge every person to belong to a Community Group. In a Community Group you will discover an environment where you will feel welcomed and accepted, encounter Christ and His Word, and grow together.
CHANGE THE WORLD Through Missions and Service
The final step is to join God in His work to change the world through missions and service to others. We strive to mobilize and send, reach the lost, serve the hurting, plant churches, and join God wherever He’s at work. From local outreach projects to short term mission trips, you will find numerous opportunities to change the world.
The Update
A quarterly newsletter from FBC Ocala
First Steps
School of
Community Groups: 9:15 AM
Worship: 10:30 AM